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Viewing posts by VanNoppen Marketing

Feb. 28, 2011, midnight

Cold Weather Injuries

Cold Weather InjuriesLiving in North Carolina, we do not have the severe winter temperatures that they do in Alaska, but it still gets cold. This winter protect yourself and your family from injuries caused by cold temperatures including hypothermia and frostbite.Hypothermia occurs when you are exposed too long to cold ... Continue Reading
Feb. 28, 2011, midnight

Clinical Trials Newsletter - 2011

What Are Clinical Trials?A clinical trial is a research study in human volunteers to answer specific health questions. Carefully conducted clinical trials are the safest and fastest way to find treatments that work in people, and new ways to improve health.There are different kinds of clinical trials, including those to ... Continue Reading
Feb. 28, 2011, midnight

A Better Morning Routine

If your days are stressful and rushed, consider a fresh, new approach to your morning routine. Start with a healthy breakfast and morning exercise, and you will set a positive tone for the rest of your day.Getting into action with simple activities like taking a walk, going to the gym, ... Continue Reading
Feb. 28, 2011, midnight

Are You At Risk For Bone Loss?

A bone density test - DEXA scan - determines whether you have osteoporosis or are at risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to become more fragile and more likely to break.The test is painless and requires little to no preparation. The patient simply lies down and ... Continue Reading